Less talk and more pics for this post.
I think these two Brambles need no introduction. With 3A's fame (or notoriety...? heh...) in the toy industry these days, surely one way or another, you would've come across something that resembles these Brambles but painted in different colours.
These two were originally released in 1/6 scale, but recently zapped with the shrink gun to become 1/12. It is a great alternative for those who missed out on the original release, like yours truly! My Deep Powder Bramble came in great condition, but my Euro Bramble was plagued with loose joints as show here in this video. It is an easy fix but... i think this kind of QC problem should totally be sieved out and not sent to the consumer...
Now I'm just waiting for those 1/12 Bertie Mk2s to be zapped with the magnifying ray to become 1/6! Will buy EMGY and Warbot, no doubt about it.
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