So... James Franco turned out to be a pretty cool Harry Osborne in Sam Raimi's Spider-man trilogy huh...? Back in 2002 when the movie was released, I thought Franco's looks were pretty far from how the comics portrayed Harry Osborne to be... Then again, they would've casted Tommy Lee Jones instead of Willem Dafoe if they really wanted to stick to the comics, wouldn't they...?
I'm not really a fan of the armoured Goblin look for Normon Osborne in the movie, cause I thought it wouldn't be too difficult to create a realistic looking Goblin that pays more tribute to the comics. Even that purple glider was a flop... The New Goblin in Spider-man 3, much like his predecessor, wasn't like anything seen in the comics either. This time however, the costume designers just cladded James Franco in what seems like customized snowboarding gear. Hell, even the glider has become a hovering snowboard. Between the two, I do prefer the modern snowboarder look than the cheesy armoured Goblin. The green, black and silver makes a pretty interesting colour combination, and all the elbow pads, buckles, straps and claws come together pretty nicely.
The snowboard comes with an electronic light up feature, which I couldn't care less for... Truth be told, I don't have much faith in Hot Toy's electronics stuff. My Iron Man Mark IV loves to turn its chest repulsor light on by itself, while the same light on my War Machine suddenly became dim even when I seldom turn it on during the brief 3 months that it stands on my shelf. Not a big fan of lights (and sounds), especially when they don't work very well. Furthermore, I don't really think it is an incentive here to have the snowboard glider's twin fans light up. As it is, the board already looks super detailed. What I like most about it is the ball-ended pegs that came with the figure which is removable, but when fitted, allows you to attach the board to the soles of New Goblin's feet! We have seen magnets and permanent pegs being used in 6" action figures like the Silver Surfer, and neither looks very well. Of course, unlike the surf board which is a clean smooth surface, the glider with its twin fans gives Hot Toys an opportunity to conceal the peg holes for the detachable ball-ended pegs... an opportunity I'm glad they seized.
The alternate unmasked head sports the likeness of James Franco, though not really identical. If the Christopher Reeves Superman head is 95% accurate, I would say this is only 80%. I wouldn't mind a 3rd head with his battle-damaged disfigured unmasked head, but perhaps that would be asking too much...
The figure comes with three blades with varying lengths (short, medium, long). With the long blade in hand, the other two can be fitted snugly into the sheaths that are strapped to the figure's right thigh and back. The claws on his right arm are also nicely detailed to slide off and be replaced by blank plates. He also comes with the infamous goblin bombs; one that explodes (much like the one that disfigured the Harry Osborne in the movie) and one with extended wings (with homing function and cuts instead of exploding). The winged bomb is an interesting addition, but it looks silly if you let the figure hold it, since it was not supposed to be tossed like a boomerang (the wings are supposed to extend themselves in mid-air after being tossed in its spherical form). Still, I've seen pretty wild photos taken with these winged bombs in some photoshopped action.
The figure also comes with a display base (square) with an acrylic pole and C clamps at its top so that the figure can be held up as though it is hovering. However, the figure is quite heavy and the acrylic pole tends to bend over time. This isn't really an issue for me... just make sure you remember to rotate the pole by 180-degrees every fortnight or so and it shouldn't bend too drastically / permanently deform.
Even though the story has been told a million times (friend kills evil dad, attempts revenge, fails, helps friend kill bad guys, ends up dead), I still love the part when New Goblin showed up to kick Sandman's ass. This New Goblin figure is really well done, and I'm glad Hot Toys brought an obscure character like this to life. I'm really looking forward to the Sandman diorama that is coming with the Symbiote Spidey, which I'm glad to say I've pre-ordered. Reminds me of a photograph that I did with the 6" versions of these characters' action figures. In my opinion, the Symbiote Spidey beats the original red one (which I've decided to give a miss) in terms of value-for-money. I'll remind myself to dig out my Marvel Legends Icons red / blue spidey for some epic shots!
Me gusta bastante el diseño.
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