I wasn't one of those who bought the original Custard that came with the Bleak figure. Needless to say, I didn't buy the Circle of Dark Natured Lab 5-pack. I guess I wasn't too keen on the Bleak, nor was I interested in a dog statue with no articulation... hell, I think I wasn't even interested in Adventure Kartel at all at that time.
Later I had the opportunity to see and handle this dog in person and man, it weighs well for a figure it's size. Somehow I always prefer figures that carry some weight, and, being made out of polystone, this dog fulfills this criteria to the utmost. Images of Tracky first surfaced on the blog I think... and it was dropped as a surprise with no warning at all. I'm glad to be lucky enough to score. Who could resist a Labrador dressed in a track suit...!?
Some people actually speculated that Tracky was released because there was excess of the labrador figures from the earlier release... To me it doesn't really make sense since 3A manufactures the quantity that is ordered. Guess it doesn't really matter. I like the figure and the only thing I don't really like is how the pouches were designed. For a dog I feel that the pouches should've been rotated 90° cause as it is now, facing side ways, all the contents will surely fall out when Custard starts running around 'em zombs and finger gang! New pouches that face up will surely beat what is given now, which really looks like leftover pouches that are recycled and just slapped on without much consideration.
All in all, nice piece. If you haven't got one and you're interested, don't pay exorbitant prices for it, despite the fact that it was a surprise drop. It is AK, so prices won't usually escalate too far from the retail price...
Another dog has been teased and this time it is a beagle. Well... think I might pass. I'm wondering now whether it is in line with what 3A does for an articulated dog to be designed and released. The best articulated dog I've seen so far is Timber that was released with Sideshow's Snake Eyes. Well, I just hope that 3A would do an articulated dog for a change, rather than another statue of a different species.
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