Is new necessarily good? Read to find out whether the version 1.5s are indeed upgrades / improvements of their iconic predecessors...!
More NOMs...!
4 tubes for the 4th Anniversary, or pure design coincidence...? Well, 3A's not unknown for the randomness in their creations...
Tomorrow Queen Bashes
Disappointed at what turned out to be the WWR Supreme Nom? Well, you are not alone... but here's a simple bash from what's in the Whitemother package for your replacement (or reinforcement, tsk tsk) TQs. Also, KC Design's 1/6 Bodysuit is reviewed here.
I never watched the movie or read the novel, but somehow I've always known that Dr Zhivago originated from Russia, so imagine how apt it is that I managed...
So Deep Powder Bertie MK 3 Mode B, ie. huge ass twin cannons mode, was dropped on Bambaland earlier this year. I don't recall it being a limited sale, despite his listing on...
When the first sniper grunt was offered through BBICN, I was kinda intrigued but I held out with its purchase because I'd taken a gamble that a similar figure...
So the Dark Cowboy Superset was dropped on Bambaland on 30 April 2013, and was shipped way ahead of schedule for a change. If Oroshi, Frank & Snippy (both shipped...