It's raining Tomorrow Kings!

So... many...!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

ThreeA WWR Medic Dropcloth & Bertie

I never watched the movie or read the novel, but somehow I've always known that Dr Zhivago originated from Russia, so imagine how apt it is that I managed...

ThreeA WWRp Deep Powder Bertie MK 3

So Deep Powder Bertie MK 3 Mode B, ie. huge ass twin cannons mode, was dropped on Bambaland earlier this year. I don't recall it being a limited sale, despite his listing on...

Friday, September 20, 2013

ThreeA WWR Frank & Snippy

  When the first sniper grunt was offered through BBICN, I was kinda intrigued but I held out with its purchase because I'd taken a gamble that a similar figure...

ThreeA Popbot Dark Cowboy Superset

  So the Dark Cowboy Superset was dropped on Bambaland on 30 April 2013, and was shipped way ahead of schedule for a change. If Oroshi, Frank & Snippy (both shipped...